Sunday, April 22, 2012

Couples Mentoring

  Well lately my wife and I have been feeling the Holy Spirit guide us into a new adventure and last night we decided we want to work on mentoring couples.  You see, Kat and I have been through a lot in our short time together and no matter what the enemy threw at us we just got closer together, and more importantly, it brought us into the body of Christ. Neither of us have the knowledge to call it "ministry" nor do we have the education to be called "councilors."  What we do have, however, is a lot of life knowledge that we are ready to share with anyone and everyone that needs help.  We haven't quite decided how to share what we know but I'm sure God will show us a way.  We're both going to try and get into a couples oriented small group next year, or even lead one if needs be.  I am going to try and dedicate time on here to advice for couples and scripture to help couples come together.  If you, or anyone you know, are having relationship problems, or just want to grow as a couple in Christ email me at and let me know.  We will be happy to answer and address questions.  If you are worried about privacy I will quote every question anonymously and use assumed names to protect anyone involved.

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